Sunday, February 1, 2009

4TH Quarter Stats #3 - Super Bowl Pick

Happy Super Bowl Sunday! I am about to do some cooking and start getting ready for tonight's game. But first, I wanted to give you another interesting stat.
  • The percentage of sales that were foreclosed properties more than doubled to 23.6% of total sales recorded in FMLS through 2008.

Foreclosures have added a negative effect to an already weaker market in 2008 and represent a large portion of sales in the $200K and below price range, likely accounting for the higher level of sales in that price range.

Now, after that good news, here is my pick for tonight's game : Steelers over Cards. This is a hard game to pick because haven't seen each team play that much, but I will go with the team that one the big game a few years ago. Plus, I am a huge UGA fan and I have to root for Hines Ward. So everybody have a fun and safe night, and I will post some more tomorrow.


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